Hey lovely readers of Patterned Love, I'm Kristina! I blog over at Kristina in Retroworter, a little place were I share all my interests in personal style, crafting, my two adorable beagles, photography, my adventures with my husband, honestly, just about anything that interests me really! I'm a Texas girl, born and raised, who loves just about anything creative, going on new adventures, and watching endless episodes of Rehab Addict on the DIY Network.
Although, I'm not a miracle worker with a sewing machine, but, like Naomi, I love going thrift shopping for clothes and finding fantastic deals. This little number is my latest find, and I have to say, I couldn't believe it when I pulled it from the Goodwill rack. You see, as much as I adore checking out Goodwill, my local one looks like 1982 came back in-style or something, not super conducive to finding good finds. But, by some crazy happenstance, I pulled this dress from the rack, looked it over, checked the size to see if it'd actually fit me, and then did a little jig because I couldn't believe my luck! Oh, and it was only $10!

My Goodwill is the same way! All these bloggers show these incredible thrift-store finds, but the only things I ever seem to find in my local thrift stores are 90's babydoll floral dresses or stuff with shoulder pads from the 80's. Or embroidered Christmas sweaters. Or sometimes they have cats... wearing christmas hats.
ReplyDeleteMy local goodwills are terrible and way overpriced, but I have several other thrift stores in the area with better prices and WAY better options. But I live in Vegas so I'm not sure how much that party, stylish atmosphere adds to the quality of thrift store finds.